
Livádi✨ (Greek for Meadow)

Livádi is an IRL retreat for creatives who are aching to get out of their rut and are craving a solution that’s equal parts magickal and mundane.

If you already know you want to claim your seat and get unstuck, click here before the doors close on our inaugural half-day event on Saturday, May 18th.

Doors closed! Stay tuned for the next one!

If you’re new here and want to 411 to see if Livádi is right for you, let me take you on a little journey. ⤵️

I’ve heard from countless people that there’s always some excuse for why they haven’t done the thing. Overall, this stuckness looks like some version or mix of the following:

📌 Could be possibility overload triggering procrastination (you have too many ideas. How can I choose?! What’ll help me stand out best?!)

📌 There’s the never-ending stimulation (ahem…distraction) of our usual environments or the TikTok/IG scroll (your thumb is cramping just from you thinking about it, isn’t it?)

📌 Maybe you’re plain ole afraid or intimidated (TBH, when I realized it had been literal years since I published an essay, the fear that I wouldn’t be able to write anything worthwhile again paralyzed me.)

As a multi-passionate person, I get it. Honestly…these have all been me. And that’s so much of why Livádi became so important to launch into reality…

I’ve lived it. I’m familiar with the underworld journey that is imposter syndrome. I’ve been through the song and dance of considering MFA programs only to realize I’d leave them a worse (or more broke) writer. And in working through these hangups for myself, I’ve also been working with folks 1-on-1 on blocks like these for the past few years.

I know firsthand how overwhelming this all can be.

That’s why I made Livádi: because the solo, struggling artist trope is tired. And I knew it was finally time to create the retreat I always wished for.

Plus, I knew I could make navigating this overwhelm easier, more fulfilling, and a hell of a lot less lonely for all of us.

“Why Livádi aka Meadow?” you might be wondering.

OooOoo lucky for you, I love spillin’ a backstory. Here are some of the meanings behind the name and what affirmed the decision for me ⤵️

🌱 Livádi is Greek for meadow.

💭 Meadows in dream interpretation represent openness and security. They can also represent a beautiful situation that goes uninterrupted. Or even about being 100% true to you and expressing yourself with nobody around to spoil it.

🧿 Meadows are sacred. You see it both across history and in early Christianity and other mythologies. It’s even a key location depicted in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

🗺️ Livádi is a real place! It is a village and municipality of Elassona in Greece. Agricultural and livestock farmers founded it. Livádi is a place with the rich histories of revolutionaries and craftspeople alike.

🌷As a devotee of a few Chthonic deities, my matron deity Kore-Persephone is often associated with meadows. She is referred to as “Queen of the Meadow.” Plus, this portion of the Orphic Hymn to Persephone always makes me feel extra alive:

“…spring-time goddess, who is delighted with meadow breezes, revealing your holy body in the green and yellow new shoots.”

🪅 It gives off wildness and exploration vibes. And it’s just plain fun.

TLDR: Livádi is a people. A place. A mindset. An escape. An outlet for accountability. An opportunity for awakening your dormant creativity.

Just as a Livádi offers space for growth and creativity, our retreat will provide a lush landscape for your ideas to flourish.

Join us for a journey of productivity and exploration. 🔅🔆

Into it? Love to see it. 👏🏽

Now let’s get into some logistics (my many Earth placements love this for you):

We'll meet on Saturday, May 18th, a day blessed by Jupiter Cazimi in Taurus at The Robey Chicago.

Jupiter Cazimi is a once-a-year occurrence! So it is a day where we will be imbued with knowledge, a renewed capacity for rapid growth, and abundance from the universe. 🌞

The Itinerary

🗝️ 1 pm - 2 pm: arrive! Get settled. Say hello to other attendees. We’ll do some icebreakers even an introvert could stomach (I promise!). Then we'll begin with a brief presentation about getting unstuck, and a short-and-sweet discussion will follow.

🗝️ 2 pm - 4 pm: we'll body double and get into some real deep work (that's where the real artistic magick happens!). I’ll set up a Pomodoro timer for those who work best in sprints over trying to force a flow.

🗝️ 4 pm-5 pm: begin powering down. This is the final stretch.

🗝️ 5 pm onward: we’ll mosey outside the Boardroom to Clever Coyote where the first round of drinks and snacks will be on me! Use this time to decompress, discuss what you found helpful, unpack the project you chipped away at, or all of the above.💫

Additionally, as a long-time creative writer, copy and content writer, podcaster, and tarot reader for small biz owners and artists alike, you’ll have access to me the whole time!

I’ll be there to provide feedback from a craft and technical perspective and from the tarot to see what guidance and troubleshooting they have to offer. 💡

Before Livádi

🪫 You're ignoring your stale website copy (or even getting that website up period).

🪫 You keep saying you'll rework your short story this weekend...but you put it off by reorganizing your pantry instead.

🪫 That notes app is full of bits and pieces of an idea, but you're still stumped and uninspired.

🪫 You have residency/art retreat FOMO, but don’t want to venture into remote places that are less stimulating and motivating and more scary movie.

After Livádi

🔋 You've drafted some solid copy or have enough to publish now and refine later.

🔋 You have a synopsis and outline drawn up and even cranked a few thousand words out.

🔋 A few exercises and a tarot reading later, you’ve fleshed out an essay series you can’t wait for people to read.

🔋 You step out of your hotel room or take the El to The Robey and kick it in one of the coolest neighborhoods in Chicago, using an urban space as the font of inspiration it can be.

Let’s talk pricing

Value: $175+/person

$111/full price

$99.99/early bird pricing

Since it’s a momentous day and our very first Livádi, I wanted the pricing to be as accessible as possible! I’d love to serve as many magickal creators as I can fit into The Boardroom on such an auspicious day.

the doors are open 🚪

the doors are open 🚪

The doors are now open for our first✨Livádi✨!

And because it’s such a momentous occasion, let’s chat about the limited quantity, limited-time goodies and a peek at what’ll be included in your Cazimi care packs. More will drop on the Venus Days (Fridays!) leading up to the retreat. 💥

🏹 Arrows of Apollo Oil 🏹

Arrows of Apollo Oil is a magical intention oil crafted using solar herbs sacred to the sun god Apollo, son of Jupiter (AKA Zeus) by Lady K’s Apotheca.

This oil is an infusion of the herbs bay, cedar, frankincense, and rosemary and contains the bane and blessing of Apollo. Apollo’s arrows are now in your hands to fire at will. Only 5️⃣ are available and go to the first five signups!

🧭 The Prelude: A Pre-Retreat Tarot Reading 🧭

This is for those who want more personalized, 1:1 support and to make ✨Livádi✨ a multi-day adventure.

Are you super-blocked on a plot point? Are you reworking your menu of offerings and want to be guided by tarot and my expertise as a copywriter?

If you really want be off to the races on the big day, consider adding The Prelude to your reservation for $22.22!

It will be video recorded and delivered to email on file. The deadline to book this add-on is Tuesday, May 7th to give me ample time to record and you enough time to review and process the feedback.

Client testimonial for

the prelude

“Emmy’s The Prelude reading is a fantastic experience and true road opener.

I appreciated how customizable the reading was, making it relevant to my current areas of blockage.

From beginning to end, I felt a profound lift of the veil that had been clouding me for months. Emmy is highly intuitive and receptive and I appreciate working with her every time.

Absolutely spooky in the most fantastic way. Highly recommend!”

🪄 Queen of Wands tea blend 🪄

The Feral Herbalist promises small-batch, intentionally blended herbal teas that nourish you physically and metaphysically.

Matchmaking human experiences as seen through Tarot, to powerful plant allies is what Nicole’s mission has become. Her creations are intended to help us slow down, even for just a moment, and sip with mindfulness and intention.

She shares her creations in hopes that we all will find the magic that lies within a cup of tea. A bag of tea will be available to each signup…along with a few other inspiring - and personalized - surprises I’m cookin’ up. 🫖🌿

I’m in! what do i gotta do?

Call dibs on all of the caretaking resources and your spot at ✨Livádi✨ by clicking here.

For questions or other inquiries, please email emmy@soyemmy.com.