AVATAR has a breathing hub of docs + how-to vids!! Click below to view it or see the code snippets below.

Squarespace is moving fast with updates, especially this fall. Please email me if you see something that’s no longer accurate! I want these docs to be as useful as possible 🤙🏽


License Terms

Purchase of the template gets you one license. If you intend to use AVATAR as a template for other sites, you’ll need to purchase a license for each.


If you need help with AVATAR, please email me. Do not send support requests via DM or any other channel. Typical turnaround time is 2 business days.

Support is for questions about using the template. If you need custom services like design, custom coding not already in the template, or consulting help, please book a call here.

Code Snippets!

Copy and paste to create the custom sections seen throughout the site.

Copy the entire line of code unless stated otherwise.

Split Sections (Seen on Homepage Template)

Remember: put the code in the first section you want to split. Add the total number of sections. See the homepage and the sales page templates for working examples. Only edit what is between the quotes.

  data-split-widths="33%, 33%, 33%"


Only Edit:

  • What’s between the quotes after href

  • Where it says Your Text Goes Here

  class="sqs-block-button-element--medium sqs-button-element--primary sqs-block-button-element"
  style="margin: 0 auto;display: table;text-align: center;"
  Your Text Goes Here

Split Sticky Sections (Seen on Sales Page @ “Community Changes Everything.” The second panel sticks.)

You’ll still put this code in the first section. The only difference is you put the number of the one you want to stick in the quotes after data-sticky-section.

  data-split-widths="50%, 50%" 